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5 Money Tips I Wish I Learned Earlier

There are five essential financial tips that can significantly impact one's financial journey if learned early. These tips include starting to save money immediately, even if it's a small amount, as it accumulates over time. Understanding budgeting is crucial for managing income and expenses, which helps avoid unnecessary debt. It's important to avoid high-interest debt by responsibly using credit cards and paying off balances in full. Investing early is encouraged to benefit from compound interest, with a focus on retirement accounts and diversified investments. Finally, educating oneself about personal finance through books, workshops, and reliable sources empowers better financial decisions and protects against scams. Implementing these tips early can lead to long-term financial success and security.

Navigating the FAFSA Process

FAFSA, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, is crucial for securing financial aid for college. It determines eligibility for grants, scholarships, work-study programs, and federal student loans. The application process involves gathering necessary documents, creating an FSA ID, listing colleges, providing financial information, and reviewing and submitting the form. Tips for maximizing aid include submitting early, providing complete information, and updating details as needed. Common mistakes to avoid are waiting too long, ignoring instructions, and forgetting to sign. Completing FAFSA accurately can unlock significant financial support for higher education.

8 Lessons to Teach Kids about Credit for Grades K–12

Teaching kids about credit can be broken down by age group to make the concept more understandable. For young children (grades K-5), focus on basic differences between credit and debit using simple analogies and games. Middle schoolers (grades 6-8) can learn about maintaining a good credit score and the importance of building credit, with practical activities to simulate credit use. High schoolers (grades 9-12) should understand establishing credit, choosing the right credit cards, and managing loans, using real-life scenarios and classroom activities to illustrate these concepts. This gradual learning approach helps integrate credit understanding into their lives, making it easier to manage as adults.

How to Improve Credit Score

To improve your credit score, focus on five key factors: payment history, age and type of credit, credit utilization, recent balances, and recent credit applications. Strategies to boost your score include checking for and disputing errors on your credit report, paying bills on time, maintaining low credit card balances, keeping old credit accounts open, being cautious with new credit applications, and having a diverse mix of credit types. Remember, improving your score takes time and patience, often showing results over 12 to 18 months.

Explaining Credit Score

Your credit score may seem random, but it tells lenders and other creditors a lot about your financial behavior. It’s calculated from a mix of factors in your credit report and suggests how likely you are to fulfill financial obligations, such as a lease or loan.

What are VideoTellers, and Why do we have them?

If you've been to one of our branches, in the lobby or the drive-thru, you've probably noticed our VideoTellers. If not, they are the large, lime-green, and blue machines that look like an ATM, but they're so much more. So, let's talk about it.

Smart and Simple Steps to Take After Being Scammed.

Today, there are so many ways for con artists to scam you. So, don't blame yourself if you've fallen into their devious trap. Here's what steps to take if you've been a victim of fraud.

4 Tips for Using Peer-to-Peer Payment Apps

There is no denying the speed and convenience of Peer-to-Peer Payment apps. But they aren’t risk-free, so make sure you’re aware of potential pitfalls before you hit Send. Here are some things to look out for when using a P2P app.

Smart and Simple Ways to Safely Shop Online This Holiday Season

Holiday shopping for your friends and family is a whole lot easier than it was decades ago. Clicking online while sipping cocoa on your warm sofa definitely beats dashing through the snow and waiting in the packed checkout lines. But make no mistake – online holiday shopping isn’t perfect. ‘Tis the season for scammers, fraudsters, con artists, and other tech-savvy grinches to try and ruin your holiday happiness.

Mental Health and Money Management

Money is an essential part of our lives, and it can have a significant impact on our mental health. The way we manage our finances can either contribute to or detract from our overall well-being. Let's explore the connections between mental health and money management and talk about how setting boundaries with yourself, taking care of yourself, and exercising self-control can improve your financial health and your mental health.

Be Prepared for Anything

Natural disasters are, unfortunately, sometimes just a part of everyday life. While there’s not much you can do about it, you can prepare yourself so that when one does happen, you’re ready. Here’s how to prep your finances to best mitigate the impact of a natural disaster.

How Late Payments Impact Interest Rates on Loans (And Much More)

Missing or late payments stay on your credit for years. Credit card delinquency rates rose above 2% in the third quarter of 2022, according to data from the Federal Reserve. And when a loan becomes delinquent, it can set off a chain of events that can negatively impact your financial future for years to come. As in? Your interest rate can rise sharply. Learn more about how late payments can impact your interest rates.
Group of middle aged friends grouped toghter smiling

What to Know About Claiming Social Security Benefits

If you’re nearing retirement, you’re likely wondering when you should claim Social Security benefits. Unfortunately, there’s no exact answer because everyone’s situation is different. However, you can think the decision through and come up with a number that fits you. Here are some things to consider.
Teen boy making payment on mobile phone with credit card.

Building Credit from Scratch: A Young Adult's Guide to Financial Success

Building credit may seem daunting, but starting early and adopting responsible credit habits is key to establishing a solid financial foundation. By understanding the importance of credit and following these practical tips, you are taking significant steps toward a successful financial future.

Teaching Children About Money

Whether you’re teaching finances to your kids, your grandkids, or those of a loved one, it’s absolutely essential to teach children how to manage the money they have and invest for the future.

The Top 5 Things to Know About Mortgage Insurance

Whether you are looking to buy a home now or plan to in the next few years, it’s essential to understand all aspects that can be baked into your monthly mortgage and, ultimately, what that means to your bottom line. Read more on five things to know about private mortgage insurance.
Young smiling woman working on laptop and notepad

The Art of Better Spending: A Guide to Creating Positive Financial Habits

In a world where temptation lurks around every corner, mastering the art of better spending can feel like an uphill battle. Here are some basic spending strategies to help you take control of your spending!
Woman holding white envelope pulling out small stack of money.

The Basics of Retirement Accounts

While everyone knows (or should know) the importance of saving for retirement, the vast menu of retirement savings plans can be quite confusing. Add in the questions of how they work and how much you should be contributing, and it can make your head spin. Learn the basics of retirement accounts and how to navigate using them
Stressed man and woman sitting on couch going over finances.

Money Fights & How to Avoid Them

Money can be a hot topic for couples, leading to fights. Here’s a look at some of the best ways couples can successfully navigate financial issues together. These proven strategies can help you communicate more and argue less about money.

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